Meet Justin

Justin has been involved with Our Moon from the get go. He was Our Moon’s first ever scholar and is currently studying at University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada. But more than this, Justin is passionate about seeing other students have the same opportunities as himself, and has played a large part in bringing Our […]

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Helen attends the Inaugural HALI Imbaba in Zimbabwe

Last week Helen was invited to be a part of the HALI Imbaba conference in Zimbabwe, held by Yale University and an NGO called Education Matters. This three-day event was the first of its kind and brought together representatives from 21 organisations dedicated to providing mentorship and guidance opportunities for high-achieving, low-income students across Africa. […]

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Check out Our Moon’s mention in Yale News

We were one of 21 organisations to attend the HALI Indaba in Zimbabwe last week. This was the first time Yale University has united organizations dedicated to providing mentorship and guidance opportunities for high-achieving, low-income (HALI) students from across Africa. “Indaba” is widely used in Africa to mean “gathering”. Conversations included program design, selection criteria […]

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Meet Our Mentors

One fundamental aspect of Our Moon’s work is the one-to-one mentoring support we offer to our scholars through their A-Level studies and university applications. Not only does this help them feel valued and empowered, but it increases the support they receive in applying to higher education. In this week’s blog we introduce you to two […]

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Helen in the States

Partnerships lay at the foundation of Our Moon’s success. In particular, we look to build relationships with universities around the world, who can offer scholarships to talented Zambian students to pursue their education. In return, these students are constantly looking for ways to contribute back to their society, to bring about positive change. It’s all […]

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