Our Moon Alumni

Through our Alumni Programme, Our Moon scholars join a global community offering support and guidance long after leaving us.

After graduating from our programmes, our scholars set out on their own journeys, studying overseas or in Africa before going on to further study or carving their own career paths.

Whatever path they choose, their journey with Our Moon doesn’t end after graduation.

We’re committed to keeping in touch with our scholars, following these brilliant young people as they go on to make an impact in their communities.

Connecting Our Alumni

Not only do we keep in touch with our alumni, but we put our alumni in touch with each other.

By connecting former Our Moon students from previous cohorts, our alumni have the chance to connect with a rich network that broadens their professional horizons, while building friendships that last a lifetime.

Alumni can volunteer to mentor current students, offering guidance and support as they begin the university application process and start making plans for the future.

Our Alumni give back to Our Moon

As well as going on to make an impact in their local communities, our alumni continue to support Our Moon long after graduation.

Initiatives include alumni joining the Fundraising Committee to raise money for Our Moon’s programmes, and volunteers offering guidance and support to students on the Postgraduate Programme.

As we expand our programmes, our alumni numbers will also increase, creating more opportunities for collaboration. With more of these future leaders working together, we expect great innovation and an even greater impact as they take steps towards socially-conscious change.

“At the forefront of my mind, I’m always thinking about how I can give back to those who have helped me and to my community back at home.”

Quincy, class of 2018

Alumni Events

Every year, the Alumni Committee hosts an online conference open to all Our Moon alumni to attend. More information about these events can be found on the Our Moon alumni site.