We would like to congratulate our departing students who all have places to study at university with full funding. This includes Chitundu who took a gap year to develop his artistic skills and work out what he really wanted to study. It means that 100% of our students since we started Our Moon have been awarded places to study at university with full funding. Between them, this year’s group have unlocked scholarships worth £864,000 over four years! This represents a return on investment of 1800% |

Lute | Ashoka University, Delhi | Computer Science with Visual Arts Komani | Copperbelt University | Mechanical Engineering Andrew | Cornell University, New York | Economics major Edwin | Stanford University, California | Bioengineering Chitundu | USIU, Nairobi | IT Systems Mercy | USIU, Nairobi | Epidemiology & Biostatistics Naomi | USIU, Nairobi | Epidemiology & Biostatistics |
Mercy and Chitundu started their programmes last month. Andrew and Lute have been interning at PwC in Lusaka, with Andrew staying on for a couple of months. Lute, meanwhile, was offered a scholarship place to attend a six month coding programme at BongoHive, a tech start up hub in Lusaka which she started on 1 May. Naomi has been interning for an NGO that operates in Zambia, and will be interning with us for a couple of months before leaving for university. Komani started his programme at the beginning of the year and Edwin was our blog intern for a couple of months before working for Impact Enterprises in his home town before, hopefully, heading off to a special summer school at Stanford and university. |
Andrew, who is off to Cornell University in New York, says:
Our Moon’s Young Leaders programme has given me the chance to explore economics through a reflective essay that I researched and wrote with the help of a teacher from Ecolint, on the Chinese relationship with Zambia. It made me all the more sure of my interest in economics and my desire to use my education to improve the lives of Zambians.
Also, through Our Moon’s connections, I have been interning at PwC for the past few months. I have learnt so much about the corporate world and business relationships as well as the technical skills to do my job.
I am so excited that I have been awarded a full scholarship to study at Cornell University in New York State for four years. I often reflect on how my life trajectory has changed since I was a boy on a farm. I would urge everyone to have the courage and curiosity to do what is right for the world and for yourself.

This is so inspiring. Congratulations to the all!