In this blog, Malama interviews and photographs Paul reflecting on his time at Our Moon.
Malama: In the last blog we did on you, you mentioned your love for experiencing new opportunities & activities. Since then, have there been any opportunities & activities that have risen while at Our Moon that you’ve taken part in? How has the opportunity impacted you?
Paul: While at Our Moon, I have been presented with various opportunities: including how to write an academic paper, university preparation and application, and learning how to compost. Writing an academic paper, in particular, called for me to improve my punctuation, grammar, and sentence construction skills. Not only did I learn how to support my argument in the paper by providing citations of supporting data and articles in my paper but I also learnt how to properly punctuate, and construct my sentences well.
Malama: You said you’ve got an interest in “creating and researching technology that aids our environmental fight by exploring the effects of our current technology on the environment….” How’s that going?
Paul: They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. My interest in contributing to and researching technologies or any aiding mechanisms for the environmental crisis is my journey. By doing a fully referenced research essay on the impact of lead mining in Kabwe, I have taken my first small step. More steps are yet to be taken for me to have any meaningful impact on society, one of which is to explore my interest further at university and continue learning on the topic.

Malama: You mentioned that your experience at Our Moon has brought “so much peace and focus…” to your mind due to the fact that you’ve been given an opportunity to explore your curiosity, and the liberty to fail and make mistakes. In detail, share what that opportunity means to you now, and how the experience is so far?
Paul: When I look back and compare who I have become to who I was before coming to Our Moon, I see a huge gap. From my prior mental, physical, and spiritual state, my Our Moon experience has helped me realise the importance of self awareness; I have become more observant and conscious; I now understand the weight my actions may carry. This might not be 100% awareness, but I am getting there. I have changed my perspective on society and realised what I am capable of doing. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for us all. I mean it! What matters is how you take it and use it. Many people need this chance; it means the future for me, my family, friends, and society.
Malama: To our viewers who hope to apply to our program, what’s your message to them?
Paul: Dare to dream. As Jordan Rose said, “let your dreams change your reality, don’t let your reality change your dreams”. I find that many people are easily motivated, but as easily as they are motivated is as easy they lose their drive. Hold on to the burning desire and be self-motivated. To the aspiring applicants, I say, do not be intimidated but be open-minded and if this opportunity would mean a lot to you, give it your best shot.